Franke B2B platform

Lead Product Designer 2020-2022.

A Design Journey: Revamping Franke Group’s B2B Platform


Franke Group, a powerhouse in the realm of domestic kitchens, foodservice systems, and professional coffee making, sought to elevate its B2B platform to meet the evolving needs of its clientele. Tasked with this mission, we embarked on a challenging yet rewarding journey to reshape the digital face of Franke Group’s business operations.

The journey began with a stark reality check – three failed attempts by different agencies to rebuild the B2B platform had left Franke Group in a state of disillusionment. Compounding this challenge was the framework in use – SAP, which posed significant limitations and hindered the creative freedom essential for crafting a seamless user experience. Furthermore, my engineering workforce was not only limited but also lacked the necessary experience to navigate the complexities of such a project.

Crafting the redesigned platform for Franke Group posed a dual challenge: accommodating multiple languages while offering customization options. Balancing these variables demanded meticulous exploration. What resonated beautifully in Italian might falter in German. Each linguistic and cultural nuance required careful consideration.



Embracing the challenge head-on, I adopted a strategic approach that prioritized collaboration, creativity, and careful guidance for my junior engineering teammates. Recognizing the constraints imposed by the SAP framework, I focused on leveraging its strengths while mitigating its limitations through innovative design solutions.

Key Strategies:

Empowering the Team: Understanding the importance of fostering a supportive environment, I invested time in mentoring and upskilling my junior engineering colleagues. By providing guidance and encouragement, I empowered them to tackle complex problems with confidence and enthusiasm.

Iterative Design Process: Given the constraints of the SAP framework, I adopted an iterative design process that allowed for continuous refinement and improvement. By breaking down the project into manageable tasks and soliciting feedback at each stage, we were able to identify potential issues early on and address them proactively.

User-Centric Design: Keeping the end-user at the forefront of our minds, we prioritized a user-centric approach to design. Through user research and feedback loops, we gained invaluable insights into the needs and pain points of our target audience, allowing us to tailor the platform to their preferences and requirements.

Maximizing Efficiency: With a lean engineering workforce, efficiency was paramount. We embraced automation and streamlined workflows wherever possible, freeing up valuable time and resources to focus on areas that demanded human intervention.


Despite the challenges we faced, our perseverance and collaborative spirit paid off in the form of a revamped B2B platform that exceeded expectations. By carefully navigating the constraints of the SAP framework and empowering our engineering team, we delivered a solution that not only met Franke Group’s requirements but also set a new standard for excellence in the industry.